Pi·​la·​tes | \ pə-ˈlä-tēz \ Definition of Pilates : an exercise regimen that is typically performed on a floor mat or with the use of specialized apparatus and aims to improve flexibility and stability by strengthening the muscles and especially the torso-stabilizing muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

Stephanie Hadley, NCPT
NCPT stands for Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, previously known as PMA Certified.
I am a fitness enthusiast but my main passion is Pilates. Pilates is such a fantastic approach to functional fitness and can mean so many different things for different people. Working one-on-one with clients allows me to tailor their Pilates experience to exactly what their body needs. It is my joy to help others feel comfortable in their own bodies.
My career as a fitness professional started in 2017. I fell in love with Pilates back in 2012 and eventually decided to make a career doing what I loved. Soon after my Pilates Instructor Training, I decided to further my education. As a result I am also certified as a Personal Trainer, which allows me to help my clients achieve their fitness goals using a variety of different methods including strength training, interval training and cardiovascular training as well as Pilates.
When I am not teaching classes or working with private clients, I am enjoying time spent with my husband and our 8 children, fishing, gardening, hiking and cooking.